How to maintain folder structure during unpack with Paquet Builder
Paquet Builder offers several means to keep the folder structure in your Self-Extracting package. If you don't use components, let's see the easy and global way:
We want to compress the entire "mysql" folder as shown below. It will be the root. Since this folder has files and subfolders, we want to keep the entire directory structure
Open the File Manager of Paquet Builder and choose Add Folder
Choose the folder to import (mysql here):
Accept to include files from subfolders
All files are automatically added. Now we have to tell Paquet Builder to keep the folder structure. Close the File Manager
Choose Build and Modify File Compression. Then turn on Store Path Information and Use Paths Relative To. Then enter the path to the root folder (here the path to our mysql folder)
That's all. Paquet Builder will compress files and store path information relative to the root folder.
If you execute the Self-Extracting package, and choose the destination directory:
As you can see, all files and folders were successfully restored. The directory structure was also kept.
If you have more complex projects and several folders with different folder structure to compress, Paquet Builder also can do it thanks to its "Components" feature. It's another tutorial...