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Show prompt messages

This page allows you to configure whether message boxes, also known as prompt messages, should be displayed to inform your end users during the package execution. Paquet Builder supports two predefined prompt messages, but you can create additional ones using custom actions.


To add a carriage-return-line-feed between "Line 1" and "Line 2," use /$, such as Line1/$Line2.

Start Prompt Message

This message is shown immediately after users execute your package. It prompts them to confirm whether they want to proceed with the extraction. For example:
"This will install My Application 1.0./$Do you want to continue?"

End users must click Yes to proceed.

End Prompt Message

Before the package closes, this message box can be displayed to notify end users of a successful extraction. Use a message like:
"Extraction successfully completed!"

To insert a resource string, use the buttons next to the text boxes.


If you leave the fields blank, these message boxes will not be displayed.