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Set main destination folder

This page allows you to define the default extraction location for files and specify whether end users can modify the destination path. Typically, users are prompted to choose where the files will be extracted, but you can also enforce extraction to a specific folder, such as a system directory.

Default Destination Folder

Specify the default folder where files should be extracted in this text box. If users are prompted to choose a destination, your specified folder will appear as the default. Most users will accept this choice, but they can change it by entering a new path or using the Browse button.

You can use standard variables to reference system and shell folders. Additionally, you can retrieve the default destination path from the Windows Registry using custom actions. For example: - Add a "Read from Registry" action to the Initialization event. - Set the destination variable to %MYPATH%. - Enter %MYPATH% in the "Default Destination Folder" field.


The destination folder must be specified in this field. Do not use the %DESTPATH% variable directly here, as it is read-only. %DESTPATH% is automatically set to the final destination folder after file extraction.


To preserve folder structure (sub-folders) on the destination computer, enable the "Save Path Information" option in the Compression Options page or adjust the component properties.

Folder Prompt Message

Enter a custom message prompting users to select the destination folder. This field cannot be left blank. Use a resource string, such as #BrowseFolders, if needed. For example, in the screenshot above, #BrowseFolders is replaced at runtime with "Please select the destination folder:".

Miscellaneous Options

Launch Windows Explorer

Enable this option to open the destination folder in a Windows Explorer window after successful extraction. Users can view and interact with the extracted files directly.

Do not prompt for destination folder

If enabled, users will not be prompted to choose a destination folder. The default folder specified above will be used automatically. Note that the destination path is always stored in the %DESTPATH% variable.

Display the destination folder dialog without allowing modifications

This option displays the destination folder dialog for informational purposes only. Users cannot change the destination path, as the text box will be grayed out (disabled).