Write a registry entry¶
This action lets you write information directly into Windows registry; for example to set initial options for your program or store information about the package's execution, such as the user’s name or the destination directory. Storing this kind of information in Windows registration database makes it easy for your program to access it later.
Property Name | Data Type | Description |
Access | regaccess | Request access to the 32-bit or 64-bit Windows Registry view. Please refer to the paragraph entitled Accessing an Alternate Registry View. Default is regaDefault |
AddUninstRef | Boolean | Indicates whether the registry entry should be removed by the uninstaller or not. By default it is true. |
Ident | String | The named entry within the registry key. Leave this field blank to read the default value associated to the key. |
Key | String | The key name of the registry entry. Like SOFTWARE\My App |
RootKey | hkKeys | The base key of your registration entry. There is a defined set of Base Keys from which you can choose in the list box. |
Value | String | This is the data contained by the named entry. You can use variables such as %DESTPATH% |
ValueType | regType | Paquet Builder supports working with four types of registry entries: string (REG_SZ), dword (REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD) and expanded strings (REG_EXPAND_SZ). Choose the type in the list. |
Volatile | Boolean | Marks the registry key as volatile (default, false) |
Note: all values are automatically overwritten. Be sure that you won't overwrite important information.
To create the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyCompany\MyWordPad
and set its AppPath
entry to the location where your software was installed:
- Select
for theRootkey
and typeSoftware\MyCompany\MyWordPad
for the Key. - Add
to theIdent
entry - Set
- Finally enter
(the variable which contains the final destination folder) in theValue