Set output EXE file path¶
This page allows you to start the compilation of your package and specify the filename and path of your package EXE or 7Z file.
Building your package¶
Output Directory¶
Please provide the full path to the folder where Paquet Builder should place your package file and its temporary "Bin" folder.
Package Filename¶
The filename (without path information) of the package file. It should be an executable file (.exe extension) or 7-zip archive (7z) depending on the type of your project.
EXE Format¶
Paquet Builder can create 32-bit and 64-bit packages. This choice is important and depends on the contents of your package, especially if you distribute or install an application or software.
32-Bit packages (x86) can install 32-bit software on all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.
64-Bit packages (x64) install 64-bit software on all 64-bit versions of Windows. 64-bit packages won't run on Windows 32-bit versions!
On Windows 64-bit, 64-bit packages can write to 64-bit registry directly, while 32-bit packages can only access the 32-bit registry (mapped to physical locations under Wow6432Node. For example, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software is redirected to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node). See also Registry entries
- It is recommended that you save your project before compiling your package.
- If the package file you specified already exists, it will be overwritten.
- If the output folder does not exist, it will be created.
- All resources and source files must exist when you compile the package.
- Ensure you have enough free disk space as Paquet Builder does not check for free disk space.
- Paquet Builder creates a temporary subfolder named "Bin" where intermediate compilation files are placed. This folder is automatically deleted when the compilation ends, unless you enable the corresponding option in the "Advanced Build Options" page.
- You can create multi-volume archives.
Shortcuts for launching the compilation¶
You have several ways to launch the compilation of your package:
Click the "Build Now" button to create your package.
Press CTRL+F9 or F10 (full build).
Use the command line parameters.
About archive caching¶
When you create a package, Paquet Builder first compresses the files into a single archive file and then converts it into a Self-Extracting executable file. File compression is the operation that takes the most compilation time.
That's why Paquet Builder stores a newly created archive into a temporary folder: we say it "caches" the archive. As long as you do not modify the source file list or compression options, Paquet Builder will use this cached archive when building your package instead of compressing all files again.
It works exactly like caches of Web browsers (places of temporary Internet files).
Consequently building time is highly decreased. This caching operation is especially useful if you work with custom actions (debugging purposes for instance).
Paquet Builder will do this operation each time: to make it reconstruct the entire archive by compressing source files again, press F10 or select the "Build Full Package" using the split button next "Build Now" in the ribbon.
The cached archive is automatically deleted when you close Paquet Builder or when you work with another project. It is temporarily stored in the working folder you can define in the environment options.
Build Options¶
Request elevated rights (User Account Control)¶
Configure how elevated rights are requested on Windows Vista and higher at the beginning (UAC feature).
Be sure to read this article about how Paquet Builder makes your packages compatible with Windows UAC
Display an error if the user has not at least ...¶
Usually packages (especially Setup packages) are designed to perform tasks only allowed by Windows if the end user has administrative privileges (as placing files into common folders, writing registry keys, registering shared files...). Turn on this option to ensure that the package will only run if the user has administrative or power user rights; otherwise an error message will be displayed.
You can also check the value of the %ISADMIN%
variable thanks to custom actions.
Quick Build¶
For testing purposes only. Files are not compressed, just stored and the package is not digitally signed (if this option was enabled).
Same as if you click "Quick Test" in the ribbon.
Available on the compilation progress monitor, this button lets you cancel the compilation. Generally this should not be used. If you press the button during the file compression, the compilation will stop only when Paquet Builder has finished to compress a file and before another one starts being compressed. It may also be disabled when the compilation is going to end quickly.