Set output EXE file path¶
This page allows you to start the compilation of your package and specify the filename and path for the package's EXE or 7Z file.
Building your package¶
Output Directory¶
Specify the full path to the folder where Paquet Builder should place the package file and its temporary "Bin" folder.
Package Filename¶
Define the filename (without the path) of the package file. It should have an .exe
extension for executable files or .7z
for 7-Zip archives, depending on your project type.
EXE Bitness Format¶
Paquet Builder can create 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) packages. Choose the appropriate format based on your package contents and target systems:
- 32-Bit packages (x86): Can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions, installing 32-bit software.
- 64-Bit packages (x64): Can run only on 64-bit Windows versions, installing 64-bit software.
On Windows 64-bit, 64-bit packages can write directly to the 64-bit registry, while 32-bit packages are redirected to the 32-bit registry under Wow6432Node
(e.g., HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node
). See Registry entries for more details.
- Save your project before compiling.
- Existing package files with the same name will be overwritten.
- The output folder will be created if it does not exist.
- Ensure all resources and source files are available during compilation.
- Paquet Builder does not check free disk space—ensure you have enough.
- A temporary "Bin" folder is created for intermediate files and deleted after compilation (unless configured otherwise in the Advanced Build Options).
- You can create multi-volume archives.
Shortcuts for Launching Compilation¶
- Click Build Now to start compilation.
- Press CTRL+F9 or F10 for a full build.
- Use command line parameters.
About Archive Caching¶
When building a package, Paquet Builder compresses files into an archive before converting them into a self-extracting executable. Compression is the most time-consuming process.
To save time, Paquet Builder caches the archive in a temporary folder. If the source files and compression settings remain unchanged, the cached archive is reused for subsequent builds.
Benefits of caching: Faster build times, especially useful for debugging with custom actions.
To force full archive reconstruction, press F10 or select "Build Full Package" from the ribbon's split button.
The cache is automatically cleared when you close Paquet Builder or switch projects. It is stored in the working folder configured in environment options.
Build Options¶
Request Elevated Rights (User Account Control)¶
Configure how the package requests elevated rights on Windows 7 and later systems.
Review the article on UAC and Paquet Builder compatibility.
Display an Error if the User Lacks Administrative Rights¶
Enable this option to ensure the package runs only if the user has administrative or power user rights. This is important for tasks requiring elevated privileges, such as modifying system files or registry keys.
variable can also be checked using custom actions.
Quick Build¶
For testing purposes, files are not compressed, and the package is not digitally signed (even if signing is enabled). Equivalent to clicking "Quick Test" in the ribbon.
During compilation, you can cancel the process using the Cancel button in the progress monitor. Note that cancellation is only effective between file compression operations and may be disabled near the end of compilation.